E-Learning Training Modules

Batterers' Intervention Program Training


愤怒管理课程不足以替代施虐者干预计划(BIP)。. 当法院理解了pip的作用时,pip在保护家庭暴力受害者和他们的孩子方面是最有效的, 2) order BIP as required by law, 3)密切监测BIP的遵守情况,并追究违规者的责任. 2.5 General CLE credits can be earned for this course with reference #2406501N. CJE credits are pending approval. The time required to complete this module is approximately 1.5个小时.

家庭暴力 Perpetrated Against Pregnant Women


Domestic violence perpetrated against pregnant women is a serious health, 社会, 家庭危机. 孕妇更有可能死于他杀,而不是任何与怀孕有关的疾病. 2.5 General CLE credits and 0.5 Ethics CLE credits can be earned for this course with reference #2406383N. CJE credits are pending approval. The time required to complete this module is approximately 1.5个小时.

Firearms and 家庭暴力 in Florida

Firearms and 家庭暴力 in Florida


强制性控制 E Learning Training Module Thumbnail

"Coercive control” means a pattern of threatening, 羞辱性的, 或一个家庭或家庭成员对另一个家庭或家庭成员的恐吓行为, which actions are used to harm, 惩罚, 或恐吓家人或家庭成员,使他或她依赖另一个家庭或家庭成员孤立, 利用, or regulating him or her. 法官可要求 up to 1.通过参考上述课程获得75小时的CJE学分 22-156. The time required to complete this module is approximately 2 hours.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Family Courts

Autism Spectrum Disorder in Family Courts

本课程将使学员认识到法院系统中自闭症患者的特殊需要. 他们将学习为患有自闭症的青少年设计一个流程,让他们进入一个转移项目,以解决安全问题和他们的需求. 和, they will learn how to implement a system, on a case-by-case basis, 这可以促进自闭症患者充分参与适当的法庭诉讼. 完成此培训的法官可通过参考课程申请1小时的CJE学分 21-168. The time required to complete this training is approximately one hour.


勒死已被确定为最致命的家庭暴力和性侵犯形式之一:可能在几秒钟内失去意识,几分钟内死亡. When domestic violence perpetrators choke (strangle) their victims, not only is this felonious assault, but it may be an attempted homicide. 勒死是一种权力和控制的终极形式,施虐者可以通过这种方式来展示对受害者下一次呼吸的控制:它可能会产生毁灭性的心理影响或潜在的致命后果. 凯西格温和盖尔斯特拉克从培训学院在扼杀预防介绍这门课程,其中探讨了扼杀的各个方面. The first seven chapters of this interactive course are provided below. More chapters will be forthcoming. 完成全部课程的评委可通过参考课程获得最多8小时的CJE学分 21-135.  Attorneys can claim up to 9.5个小时 of CLE credits by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing course 2301916N (valid until 8/31/2024). 本课程是自定进度,需要大约8小时才能完成.

绞窄— 所有致命的东西




Stangulation All things Lethal Training Thumbnail

绞窄 — 医学的一切





绞窄 — 一切合法




绞窄 - Lesson 6: 一切合法 for Judges and Court Staff (第2部分)



绞窄 - Understanding Stranglers and Survivors


绞窄 - 希望的科学

绞窄 - Lesson 9: 希望的科学

绞窄 - Lesson 10 - 法官能做什么

绞窄 - Lesson 10: 法官能做什么

Cyberviolence (NCJFCJ)

Each module will require approximately one hour to complete. Attorneys that complete all 6 modules are eligible for 6 CLE's, including 1 technology CLE, by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing course #2306160N. 评委每个模块有资格获得1个CJE,并应参考下面列出的课程编号.

Considerations Regarding Fact Finding in 家庭暴力 Cases


Considerations Regarding Fact Finding in 家庭暴力 Cases

Understanding Context and 强制性控制

该模块的参与者将学习如何识别施暴者用来控制亲密伴侣的虐待策略. CJE课程#23-86.

强制性控制 Training Module Thumbnail

Evidence in Cyber-violence Cases

本模块的参与者将学习如何评估在家庭暴力和跟踪案件中提供的技术证据的可采性. CJE课程#23-87.

Evidence in Cyberviolence Cases Training Thumbnail

Cases Involving Cyberviolence: How Technology Can Be Misused

该模块的参与者将学习识别暴力施暴者用来控制受害者的常见技术滥用方法, understand why context matters in cyberviolence cases, recognize the impact that technology abuse has on victims, and understand why it is important for victims to have access to technology. CJE课程#23-88.

cases involving cyberviolence

Beyond the Paper: Enhancing Access to Civil Protection Orders

通过反思保护令的重要性和请愿者面临的障碍,并通过了解消除系统性障碍和促进遵守和执行的潜在战略,本模块的参与者将能够更好地执行战略,以加强获得民事保护令的机会. CJE课程#23-89.

Beyond the Paper: Enhancing Access to Civil Protection Orders

Enhancing Safety in Custody Cases Involving 家庭暴力



Promising Practices for 家庭暴力 Hearings


graphic for DV hearings module


法官可要求 .通过参考课程参加本模块的学员可获得75小时的CJE学分 19-57. This course can be completed in one hour or less.

Human Trafficking and G.R.A.C.E. Court - What Judges Need to Know

G.R.A.C.E. 法院是迈阿密-戴德法院少年抚养司的一部分,为这些儿童及其家庭提供全面的服务和支持.  

G.R.A.C.E. 法庭标题幻灯片


法官可要求 .通过参考课程参加本培训可获得5小时的CJE学分 18-81. This course may be completed in an hour or less. 


第九巡回法院的Alice Blackwell法官讨论了应该解决的各种问题,以确保受害者在经历人际暴力后拥有生存所需的工具.

Economic Security Slide Image


法官可要求 .通过参考课程参与本模块可获得50小时的CJE学分 19-85. This course can be completed in one hour or less.

War and Peace: Drafting "Classic" Proposed Family Law Orders and Judgments

第四巡回法院的卡伦·科尔法官讨论了在起草命令和判决时的重要考虑因素. 本课程的学员将能够更好地区分辩护人的书面“声音”和中立法院的书面“声音”,并在命令和判决书中采用通俗易懂的语言.



评委可以通过参考课程要求参加本模块的1小时CJE学分 20-49. The time required to complete this module is approximately one hour.

佛罗里达 Supreme Court, 家事法庭办事处: 虚拟法庭程序

家庭法院办公室为法官和司法官员开发了几个虚拟法庭程序. These training modules focus on the areas of domestic violence and stalking.

Last Modified: June 11, 2024