

申请解散 and other forms for self-represented litigants are available on the 佛罗里达州法院系统 自助中心 页面.


DIY佛罗里达 helps you create legal documents by answering simple specific questions about your situation. Those legal documents can then be filed electronically through the E-Portal or by hand at your local clerk of court office to start a new court case or respond to an existing court case.

家庭法院 工具包 - 的se tool kits contain basic information about Florida’s family court. It includes: a timeline of significant family court events; a listing of case types that comprise Florida’s family court; guiding principles; descriptions of the ten core components; information about the one family/ one judge model and noted benefits of the model; filings trends; process maps for dependency, 犯罪, 解除婚姻关系, and domestic violence injunction cases; and links to additional resources.


协作离婚 is a private way for couples to divorce. Each spouse hires an attorney trained in the collaborative process to help them reach agreement. A neutral 金融 professional and mental health professional may also work with the spouses to help them reach agreement. 协议可以在3到9个月内达成. 在最终协议签署之后, the lawyers file the paperwork necessary to get the divorce approved by the court while maintaining the family’s privacy.


  1. Privacy: What's talked about during this process stays private; unlike filing for divorce before reaching agreement, the details of your family and finances cannot be seen by the public.
  2. Control: 的 team will help you reach an agreement that is tailored to the needs of both spouses and the children.
  3. Speed and Reduced cost: 协作离婚 usually finishes faster and costs less than going to court.
  4. Planning your future: 协作离婚 provides tools for effective co-parenting and reduces future litigation.


You have the right to select the process that will work best for you before beginning your divorce. 如果你咨询律师的话, you should ask the lawyer to explain the different processes that can be used to obtain your divorce. 的 following are three of the possible choices that are available.


我需要律师吗?夫妻双方都由律师代表.You may hire a lawyer or you may represent yourself.You may hire a lawyer or you may represent yourself.
我的律师的角色是什么?的 lawyers work together with you and your spouse throughout the process to find a resolution.If you hire a lawyer, your lawyer gives you legal advice, and may attend mediation.If you hire a lawyer, the lawyer will represent your interests as you and your lawyer agree.
我如何参与?Directly with your spouse with the assistance of the Collaborative team.Neutral mediator will help you and your spouse communicate directly (or through lawyers if you have lawyers).Through your lawyer, if a lawyer is hired; otherwise you manage your case.
法院介入的程度?No court involvement other than approving your agreement.Little or no court involvement other than approving your agreement.通常是最高级别的法庭介入.
谁说了算?You and your spouse are in charge and make your own decisions using the Collaborative team for assistance.You and your spouse are in charge and make your own decisions using the mediator (and lawyers) for assistance法官负责并作出最后决定.
要花多长时间?You and your spouse create the timetable with team members; usually three to nine months.You and your spouse (or lawyers) set the timetable with the mediator.Judge sets timetable; could take more than one year.
我有多少隐私?这个过程是私人和保密的.的 mediation process is private and confidential. 你的法庭档案是公开的, and 金融 and other personal information must be filed with the court.Your case and court files are open to the public. Financial and other personal information must be filed with the court.
如何处理冲突?Collaborative focuses on cooperation over a series of meetings. 的 entire process is meant to be voluntary and respectful.Depends on lawyers (if lawyers are involved) and spouses. 调解人引导对话.法官决定结果.
谁在我的团队?Each spouse has a lawyer; additional neutral professionals are usually recommended.律师和专业专家是可选的.律师和专业专家是可选的.




Florida Academy of Collaborative Professionals

FACP 佛罗里达州的全州律师组织是什么, 金融, and mental health professionals whose mission is to guide families to peaceful divorce using the 协作离婚 Process. Collaborative divorce is designed to be a private, respectful process used to resolve divorce and meet the 金融, 情感, 离婚家庭的社会和其他需要.
