

首席法官卓越司法奖, 成立于2015年, recognize one county court judge 和 one 电路 judge who demonstrate exceptional commitment to the judicial branch 和 who personify judicial excellence, 刚强的体现性格力量等品质的, 完整性, 公平, 开放的思想, 法律知识, 正确的判断, 职业道德, 知识分子的勇气, 同情, 和果断. 每年一次(2020年除外), (由于大流行而推迟), these prestigious awards are bestowed at the annual education programs or annual business meetings for each level of the trial court.

琳达·辛格·斯坦法官, 迈阿密戴德县, 获颁2021年杰出司法首席法官奖

耐心和无私,”“智能, 深思熟虑的, 和创新,“一个领导者,一个专业人士。,“一个优秀的系统构建者。,” “an extraordinary administrator”—this is just a small sample of the outflow of praise for Judge Linda Singer Stein, as expressed by her colleagues in their letters supporting her nomination for a Chief Justice Award for Judicial Excellence. 在她提名辛格·斯坦法官时, 前首席法官Bertila Soto强调, “I can think of no other county court judge that has dedicated more time 和 effort to serve the citizens of Miami Dade 和 the state in the civil area.自1993年起担任迈阿密戴德县法官, 辛格·斯坦法官作为一名行政官受到高度评价和赞赏, 一位导师, 一个同事, 还有一个朋友.

辛格·斯坦法官 was selected to serve as associate administrative judge for the County Court Civil Division in 2004, 和, in 2015, 她被任命为那个部门的行政法官. Administrative judges play a critical role in developing 和 maintaining division policies 和 procedures 和 in keeping their division running smoothly; they accept this role in addition to their usual duties—和 without additional compensation. Several letter writers noted that they chose to be assigned to the civil division because of 辛格·斯坦法官’s excellent reputation. 正如一位写信人所指出的那样, the Eleventh Judicial Circuit is the state’s “most populous 电路 和 has a wide variety of needs. 辛格·斯坦法官 has met 和 continues to meet the ever-changing needs of this great 电路. 她的职责包括培训新法官, 监督19名县法院法官, 管理县法院民事部门所在的七座法院, 与书记员就日常事务进行沟通, 还要维护自己的案卷. We are not sure where she derives the fortitude 和 strength to do all this, 她以一种积极的态度这样做.” 

写了一个, 辛格·斯坦法官 “has been integral in ironing out all the wrinkles in administration. No one is better at diffusing a difficult situation 和 finding the honorable, 公平, 以及作为领导者和专业人士的权宜之计. 太有规律了, 辛格·斯泰因法官正直地故意踏入了马蜂窝, 不妥协的道德, 开放的思想, 和客观的, sound judgement 和 offers to assist in the resolution of the issue 和 never fails to miraculously find an answer.思考她为什么要接受这些挑战, 他提议, “I know that it is her mission 和 priority to see that all roadblocks are removed so that judges can move forward unhindered to provide justice to our community.”

Another common theme among the letter writers was 辛格·斯坦法官’s merits as 一位导师.  一位作家, for whom 辛格·斯坦法官 was her “first mentor 和 first administrative judge,宣称辛格·斯坦法官“在我的巡回法庭中无人能与之匹敌。. 她教我如何处理案件, 如何处理各种题材, 以及如何从律师过渡到法官. 她是一位杰出的管理者. 不管法庭上出现什么问题, 可能是案件数量的增加, 漏水的屋顶, 影响接触当事人的问题, 或者缺少口译员, 斯泰因法官以她特有的深思熟虑处理了这件事, 有效的, 还有耐心的方法.”

“It is known far 和 wide that she is always willing to offer support 和 provide a one-stop shop for all civil county court judges’ needs,另一个说。. “辛格·斯坦法官 has long maintained an open-door policy for mentorship 和 regularly sits with new judges as they learn the robes (pun intended). She patiently 和 selflessly guides them with continuous 和 reliable support for as long as they need or desire it.”

另一个评论, “I had the privilege of working with Judge Stein immediately upon taking the bench as a county judge in 2016. 几乎立即, Judge Stein did for me what she does for so many—she made herself available, 她指导, 和 she provided a platform which did not simply require me to copy what she did; she provided the knowledge, 信心, 和基础,这样我才能成为我注定要成为的法官.她接着说, “Judge Stein teaches not simply by saying ‘this is how it is done’ but by showing ‘why’ 和 giving options, 建议, 和 encouraging each judge to utilize his or her own skill set to enrich the bench. She did this as the associate administrative judge (now administrative judge) of the County Civil Division in charge of training all new civil county judges, 和 all while presiding over a full docket 和 running a busy branch courthouse.“另外, this letter writer pointed out that 辛格·斯坦法官 is also “a natural leader 和 mentor…to the pipeline of young people who aspire to be lawyers. 她为她的社区投资,并回报了这么多人.”

In addition to the mentorship, Judge Stein is a wonderful colleague,” said another. “She has a kind disposition 和 shows by example how to follow the law 和 rule accordingly, 但又不能忽视法官应有的谦逊. She is always available to help 一个同事 with a scheduling issue or coverage, 也同样可以讨论法律问题. 我很幸运有很棒的同事, 但斯坦法官是我的行政法官,我很幸运. 因为很多法官都通过了郡民事考试, 她在迈阿密戴德县的司法系统中占据了很大的比例, 电路, 上诉法庭. So many of us owe the good habits 和 perspective to Judge Stein's training 和 example of dedication 和 service.”

一封支持信称辛格·斯坦法官是一个“粘人”,将其定义为“维系法院的人之一”. 就像这么多评委来了又走, 从县到巡回法庭(像我一样)和其他地方, 而是像斯坦法官这样的法官, 通过她无私的工作, 积极性, 和奉献精神, 谁来确保机构记忆得以保存, 为公众服务, 作为替补,我们不会错过任何一个节拍. 她把他们都训练好了. I am proud to call her 一位导师, humbled to call her 一个同事, 和 honored to call her a friend.”

The nomination letter summed up 辛格·斯坦法官’s many virtues as follows: “辛格·斯坦法官 has faced it all. 在止赎危机期间,她一直是最高法院的捍卫者, 司法管辖权的变化, 大流行. She has continuously faced the challenges confronted due to change 和 crisis. She seeks solutions for the busiest docket in the Eleventh Judicial Circuit. Her innovation 和 深思熟虑的 approach in case management has allowed for the public to have continued access in our five satellite courthouses 和 the Dade County Courthouse. Her changes 和 improvements have worked seamlessly to permit progress 和 growth….The Eleventh Circuit is blessed to have such an intelligent, 深思熟虑的 和创新 judge. She exemplifies what all judges should be 和 is truly deserving of this award.”

By 贝丝C. 施瓦茨,法院出版物作家