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首席法官查尔斯?. Canady

加拿大法官于2008年8月被任命为佛罗里达州最高法院法官.  2010年至2012年,他担任首席大法官, 7月1日起, 2018, 第二次当警长了吗.  

出生在莱克兰, 佛罗里达, 正义Canady has the unusual distinction of having served in all three branches of government.  Returning to Lakel和 after receiving his BA from Haverford College 和 his JD from Yale Law School, 他开了私人诊所, 专注于不动产法.  In 1984, he successfully ran for a seat in the 佛罗里达 House 和 served for three terms.  1993年,他当选为美国众议院议员,任期至2001年.  在他任职国会期间, 他是众议院司法委员会的成员, which sparked his interest in appellate work; he chaired the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution from 1995 to 2001.  离开华盛顿后, DC, 他回到佛罗里达,在塔拉哈西定居下来, 他在那里担任州长的总法律顾问.  In 2002, 他被委任为第二区域上诉法院法官, 直到被任命为佛罗里达州最高法院法官.  

卡纳迪法官和他的妻子詹妮弗·霍顿(Jennifer Houghton)有两个孩子.

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Justice Polston was appointed to the 佛罗里达 Supreme Court in October 2008, 他从2012年到2014年担任首席大法官.  

格雷斯维尔人, 佛罗里达, 波尔斯顿法官在一个种植花生的农场长大, 西瓜, 和牛.  He began his professional life as a certified public accountant: he received his BS in accounting from 佛罗里达 State University in 1977 和 developed a thriving career (in fact, 他仍然是注册会计师).  Nine years later, he received his law degree, also from 佛罗里达 State University.  He then went into private practice, where he h和led cases in state, federal, 和 appellate court.  He remained in private practice until his appointment to the First District Court of Appeal in 2001, 他在那里任职,直到被任命为最高法院法官.

波尔斯顿法官和他妻子, Deborah Ehler Polston, are the parents of ten children: in addition to their four biological children, they are raising a sibling group of six children whom they adopted from the state’s foster care system.

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Jorge Labarga法官

Justice Labarga was appointed to the 佛罗里达 Supreme Court in January 2009; he is the second Hispanic to sit on the court.  He is the court’s fifty-sixth chief justice of 佛罗里达 和 served as chief justice from 2014 – 2018.  

出生在哈瓦那, 古巴, 拉巴尔加法官冒险来到帕霍基时还是个小男孩, 佛罗里达, 和他的家人.  He received his bachelor’s degree from the University of 佛罗里达 in 1976, 和, 三年后, 他获得了法律学位, 同样来自佛罗里达大学.  他花了三年时间担任助理公设辩护律师(1979 - 1982)。, 担任助理州检察官五年(1982 - 1987), 还有九年的私人执业经历, 都在第十五司法巡回法院.  In 1996, 他被任命为第十五司法巡回法院的巡回法官, 他在家里的什么地方, 民事, 和 criminal divisions 和 as the administrative judge of the 民事 division.  Then in December 2008, he was appointed to the Fourth District Court of Appeal.  然而, Justice Labarga was on the appellate bench only one day before the governor selected him to serve on the 佛罗里达 Supreme Court.  


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正义C. 艾伦·劳森

Justice Lawson was appointed to the 佛罗里达 Supreme Court in December 2016.

莱克兰人, 佛罗里达, 劳森法官在塔拉哈西社区学院获得了AA证书, 他在克莱姆森大学获得学士学位, 以及佛罗里达州立大学的博士学位.  After nine years in private practice 和 four years as an assistant county attorney for Orange County, 佛罗里达, 他被任命为第九司法巡回法院的巡回法官, 从2002年到2005年他在哪里工作.  2006年, he was appointed to the Fifth District Court of Appeal; his colleagues selected him to be the court’s chief judge in 2015, 和 he served in that capacity until his appointment to the supreme court.  

此外,他还为各种民间组织做志愿者工作, Justice Lawson has been involved in numerous bar 和 extrajudicial activities over the years: 在他们中间, he taught for the 佛罗里达 Judicial College 和 served on the 佛罗里达 DCA 预算 Commission 和 the 拉菲2客户端 Technology Commission, 他是佛罗里达州律师协会上诉业务部门的成员, 刑事诉讼规则委员会, 以及证据准则和规则委员会.


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卡洛斯·G法官. 穆尼斯

Justice 穆尼斯 was appointed to the 佛罗里达 Supreme Court on January 22, 2019.

Justice 穆尼斯 received his undergraduate degree from the University of Virginia 和 his JD from Yale Law School.  毕业后, he clerked at the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit 和 at the US District Court for the District of Columbia.

He first moved to 佛罗里达 in 2001 to serve as a deputy general counsel in the Governor’s Office; subsequently, he served as deputy chief of staff 和 counsel in the Office of the Speaker of the 佛罗里达 House of Representatives 和 as general counsel of the 佛罗里达 Department of Financial 服务.  He also served as the deputy attorney general 和 chief of staff to the 佛罗里达 Attorney General, where he managed a 400-lawyer staff 和 oversaw duties that included enforcement 和 litigation, 法律事务, 和通信.  最近, he led the Office of the General Counsel for the US Department of 教育, providing legal 和 policy advice to the US Secretary of 教育 和 other senior department officials.

Justice 穆尼斯和他的妻子Katie有三个孩子.

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约翰·D法官. Couriel

正义Couriel was appointed to the 佛罗里达 Supreme Court on May 26, 2020.

在迈阿密出生和长大, 正义Couriel, 古巴移民的儿子, received his undergraduate degree from Harvard College 和 his JD from Harvard Law School.  毕业后, he clerked at the US District Court for the District of Columbia from 2003 – 2004.   

跟随他的书记员生涯, 在私人执业近五年之后, 库里尔法官转而从事公共服务.  As an assistant US attorney for the Southern District of 佛罗里达 from 2009 – 2012, 他起诉了一系列联邦罪行, 在他们中间, 身份盗窃, 枪支走私, 麻醉药品进口, 以及贩卖移民.  In 2013, 正义Couriel, a native Spanish speaker who is also fluent in business 和 legal Spanish, returned to private practice at a Miami law office that was seeking to develop its Latin American presence; he remained there until his appointment to the supreme court.
库里尔法官和他的妻子. 丽贝卡·图克尔,有两个孩子,乔纳斯和伊登.

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杰米·R法官. Grosshans

Justice Grosshans was appointed to the 佛罗里达 Supreme Court on September 14, 2020.

就读于密西西比大学法学院期间, Justice Grosshans clerked for the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice in Washington, DC, 和 the United States Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Mississippi.  在进入佛罗里达律师协会之后, 她是奥兰治县的助理州检察官, 佛罗里达, 在轻罪组和重罪组.  后来,她开始私人执业,并成立了自己的律师事务所, 从事家庭法和刑事辩护工作近十年.

2017年,她被任命为奥兰治县的县法院法官.  然后在2018年, 她被委任为第五区域上诉法院法官, 她在哪里任职直到被任命为最高法院法官.

Justice Grosshans is an active member of the Orange County Bar Association, 奥兰多基督教法律协会, 中佛罗里达女律师协会, 和乔治C. 青年律师事务所.  She regularly speaks to lawyers 和 law students on topics such as challenges in the practice of law, 法官的角色, 刑法, 家庭法.


This link goes to additional information about the current 佛罗里达 Supreme Court justices.  

For bio-sketches of all the supreme court justices, 1846 – present, take this link.
